So unfortunatly I've been abandoning my blog for most of the year. I've been writing a tone of review and not finishing them, hopefully my earlier post explains most of it except for the last 3 months of summer!
The dance show and the musical both went really well im proud of all my cc dancers (and actors) for that. I wrapped up my final year at college well! In a nutshell college has boosted my confidence and developed me as a dancer no end!
As for the cc dance school show that went amazing to, i love working on a big theatre stage even if i perform once my stage makeups defiantly got alot better!
Over the summer I've done some zumba classes, burn 360 and zumba toning, I've spent alot of my holiday swimming in the sea and in the pool so hopefully... *drum roll please* ill be toned up for my next adventure.... Uni!!!
Yes i have committed myself to 3yrs of dance, and a lifetime of student debt! Im hoping itll help develop my knowledge and understanding of those who came before me, as well as developing my skills (and learning new ones) while giving me a gateway to gain contacts and paths into the industry.
As for the future of this blog i want to try and finish and post the reviews sitting in my drafts, and bring a more relaxed vibe of my day to day life of dance
Thanks small family,
Emma Louise xx
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