Monday, 11 April 2016

Where have i been? (Written before the summer :/)

So unfortunatly I haven't had a chance to update my blog in a very long time, I have a tone of posts and reviwws qued up to finish so they are on they're way!

Recently I've been doing a lot for my dance I've still been going out and watching the live streams and recordings of the Bolshoi ballets works including the Taming of the Shrew, Sparticus and very recently Don Quixote. Which have all been very different and unique to watch as they don't fit the exact ballet stereotype set by the media, they're sharper and creative in their movemnt material than the media displays.

I've also been preparing for several shows with my college dance group and ballet group. So unfortunatly I feel my blog has had to take a back seat due to that.
In two weeks time I'll be going on a primary school tour with my college dance group, doing 7-8 performances over the two weeks and then finishing up with are annual dance show dynamix.   Our show normally has a theme and this year its "the history of cinema " so all the dances look at different films from Disney, to musicals, to old fashioned movies,  to how a film is made and hits Hollywood.  Let's just say there's blue body paint, bowler hats and flares although not all on stage at once.
I've got to admit I honestly can't wait I love the adrenaline of performing to audiences of all kinds.
I then have to think about the musical, thankfully I won't be doing any solo singing, however I do get the opportunity to do solo pointe which is going to be fun, let hope my little training can pull it off!

Then lastly I get to wrap up my show real in june with the ballet shoe, i shall channel my inner raindrop! 😂

So as you can tell a busy time of year atm. To whoever may be reading this thanks for listening to me ramble on! I shall try and produce y most recent review of don Quixote asap

Emma Louise

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