Tuesday, 15 September 2015

My dance story so far..

Hi im Emma Louise and this is my first blog post. Ive loved dancing since i was a little girl. Quite literally i was the little girl dancing round her living room in a tutu fairy wings and a tiara pretending to be a prima ballerina.
I never quite understood  where this memory stemed from, however, thinking about it it might have been the performance i did with silver ribbons as a young girl, i remember not knowing the steps unlike the older girls but i was put in several routines with them on the final show!
For one of the routines i had this amazing dutch girl costume with the hat and skirt and braids. The other was your typical white ballet outfit complete with tutu and wings! I only really know this because of the photos but i do remember going to the classes the room was a few floors up and not epecially big but it was good, mum used to buy my brother space rader and me sherbert straws occasionally when we had the sweet shop open so now i always assosiate it with silver ribbons summer school.
I then went to april rose, alongside jenny elsdon school of dance i think, i did ballet at april rose on a very loose graded scheme, the uniform was a gorgeous cherry red complete with skirt and cardigan, that was probably one of my favourite uniforms. At J.E ( for regards of the teacher i shan't name them ill put intials) i did tap, i was with her for a good couple of years completing at least one tap exam, however, i remember it being incredibly strict and stressful as  the exams were every 6 months, so i didnt stay there more than a yr and a half.
I then moved on to D.G. school of dance and this is where i spent the most time i was with Denise for a good 5-6 yrs and i learnt well, i took ballet, tap and modern/jazz classes performing shows to our parents at award ceremony and completing exams once a year. I loved my time at this dance school even if i wasnt the best dancer, i just loved dancing! My favourite was always ballet right till the end but i really enjoyed modern and tap. I eventually left there when the school closed down as my teacher was moving away. At this stage i was about 13 with grade 4 ballet, grade 3 tap and up to gold in modern on the idta syllabus.

Unfortunatly after this i didnt find another dance school and stopped dancing for 3yrs, until i took up gcse dance at my high school, this was my first introduction to contemporary dance which is now one of my favourites, gcse was two yrs and looking back i didnt enjoy them as much as i thought i did at the time i think i just liked dancing again, i remember being so keen to learn and so proud to be wearing that uniform because it signified i was a dancer again, i think i wanted this label so much because it was my passion and everyone else had continued dancing and performing which made me feel incredibly jealous, but it was my own fault for not finding a new school.
In the secound yr of gcse i started going to ballet at cc school of dance to get my technique back up to scratch and i love it there although i did throw myself in at the deep end and put myself in a grade 6 class instead of a grade 5, although theres only one grade difference its a big step up in the syllabus.
Since i joined cc school of dance ive done one big show improved my technique and been told i can go on point, by the end of this year ill hopefully be performing in another show.

So this takes me almost up to the present day im missing, im now in my second year at college doing a btec level3 dimploma in dance (120credit) and i love it. In the last year cc has helped me develop my confidence and grow as a dancer. Last school year i got to do contemporary, urban and african contemporary all pushing me out my comfort zone a little bit more. ive also met some amazing people on the course and its made my year quite overwhelming. Performing on a primary school tour, panto and the end of year show with them was incredible and i wouldnt change that for anything.

As im now heading into my second year of college im aiming my sights higher, and this blog is my personal way of recording it for my future reference and anyone else who wants to follow along

Emma Louise ❤xx

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