Thursday, 17 September 2015

Its good to be back ....

*siggghhh* its been a long summer 9 weeks away from college has been too long ive missed it ive missed my friends ive missed fashion but most of all ive missed dance! Today we got started on some practical work, mostly looking at our technique, it feels brilliant to be doing technic again because as much as i love zumba its not quite the same!
We started straight away doing a new technical phrase which looks at alot of core work, with use of power,  and tension. ive also got a split leap to perform so better get working on my splits again, particularly on the left.

In the second class i got to work with the new first years on a more energetic samba piece which was brilliant fun it allowed me to show what ive learnt over the summer at fitsteps and zumba and also made a change from my normal contemporary and ballet style.

We got to work in a very different style today as we had a different teacher (whom i shan't name for privacy reasons) where we were also looking at our technique, the aim is to be able to high kick yourself in the face aparently ( not literally), which i think sounds like alot of fun!
We got to look alot at the use of the core and streching the legs. We did a fair amount of split work using a stretching  technique called proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching, which envolves to main things resist and relax. The way in which we did this technique was to get with a partner, one of you lays on their back and extends one leg above them keeping their bum on the floor, their parter then takes their foot and pushes the leg until the person feels they are stretched, then both partners push against each other (this is the resist) do this for about 10 seconds then the person lying down relaxs the leg allowing it to be pushed back further.
This technique worked incredibly well although my legs are now quite sore.
Ill let you all know how i get on as i know must stretch daily and keep a stretch diary!

Emma Louise xx

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