Thursday, 5 January 2017

2016 Reflection

My goals for 2016 were:

1) To be able to hold all ballet foot positions on point with out the aid of something to hold on to!
I'm happy to say that this goal I've achieved, I've been taking pointe classes regularly and am able to do some centre work, there's still a lot of work to be done but I'm picking it up really well, probably because I've always wanted to go on pointe so i have a lot of determination to progress. I'll be continuing to practice pointe in 2017, and will be working on some ankle strengthening exercises to improve my abilities.
2) To work on developing an over split, so that I can achieve full split when leaping in the air
Unfortunately this is something I've not achieved due to laziness in keeping up my day to day stretching routine; I found that I didn't have enough time for it in the mornings and was too tired to do it at night. Over split is a very set goal so for 2017 id like to reflect on my technique/stretching routine make alterations to it so that its more manageable not setting myself a clear flexibility goal but tracking my progress regularly and seeing the improvement.

3) Improve and further develop my confidence in my own capabilities and solo performance
Confidence in general his a very tricky thing  for me and is a constant target of mine. I found this year i built up my confidence a lot and then it dropped alot near the end of the year as i went through a rough patch with my mental health. In order for me to continue this goal i intend on making and maintaining a healthier lifestyle for myself. I will be keeping a close eye on my sleep, eating habits and day to day activities. 

4) Work on focus, making sure my head is up and not looking at the floor. Also direct eye contact with audience members
I feel i neglected this target a lot in performance i tend to bring my focus up however in day to day class i should be doing the same, this year i want to also work on my posture so my focus should lift as i correct my posture.

5) To participate in at least 5 different workshops
 I'm really happy to say I've done this some workshops I've done have been provided by the uni such as the alexander whitley one  and others I've sourced myself such as the Charleston and lindy hop workshops which i thoroughly enjoyed id like to maintain this in 2017 so that i keep my creative mind open.

6) To start my own dance you tube channel
i did start up my on YouTube channel in 2016 and posted but i failed to maintain it, in 2017 id like to post more on my YouTube channel but not feel restricted to creating something week to week on a schedule

Emma Louise xx

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